Saturday, March 15, 2008

the first ever

yeah this is my new blog.i decided to change from friendster blog as it is more easier and i got some problems with my friendster's one where i couldnt comment on other people's posts.

once i thought of stop blogging because i think my grammar mistakes were so horrible! but then why stop now? by blogging i can improve myself right? i have been to a lot of english classes before , u name it. british council , cambridge and of course alot during my school time. not to forget the esls subject during AUSMAT. i even took IELTS exam during ausmat that im not really satisfied with.i even read a lot of english novels but damn it, i think im still not improving! am i allergic to english? that is impossible.i hope by studying in melbourne for 5 years and involved with architecture where you have to do oral presentation in each class could improve my english.

yeah i hope by blogging i can improve too.i will most probably talk about my life in this blog and some posts might be boring so i warn you beforehand! I choose the tittle QiLAH iN THE MiDDLE for this blog because im the second child in the family.haha.actually i dont know anything better to put for the title.

i hope i can keep writing until i get married. perhaps until i have my own kids. dont u think it would be interesting? so to friends , foe and strangers , feel free to comment on anything! i really appreciate your feedback :) . i will try to reply your comments asap.

thanks for hopping on to my blog!

current mood: homesick

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