Wednesday, April 8, 2009

cuti cuti cuti ooooooooo.
easter break. tapi kerja bertimbun.
design mid crit, tech mid crit and conceptual photography mid crit after the break.haishhhhh.

but i'll make time for myself for sure!

p/s: few days ago i wanted to measure distance in autoCAD and accidently typed 'do' instead of 'di' for the command and the command table suddenly said do DONUT , specify inside diameter of donut.

i was like whatttt? wujud jugak command donut ni, dah laa lapar pagi2 buta ni kan.terbayang2 dah donutttt.
hahaaa that is what you get when you stay up until dawn and have a presentation early next morning.

pp/s: oh i've deleted my friendster account because most of my close friends are not using it if u cant find me in your friends list, dont assume i've delete you okay? its just im deleting myself.